Page 22 - Sustainability Presentation
P. 22


    Green key award has been obtained by providing measures such as energy and water saving, use of environmentally friendly cleaning materials and
    waste management by reducing the negative effects of the enterprise on the environment.
    It supports sustainable development in fresh water and sea areas and Blue Flag award is available in our facilities.
    Zero Waste Certificate has been obtained covering prevention of waste, more efficient use of resources, prevention or minimization of waste formation
    by reviewing the causes of waste formation, separate collection and recycling in case of waste formation.

    Caretta nests that laid eggs were taken under control to draw attention to the endangered caretta on our coast and to eliminate the damage to them.
    The coast has been decontaminated to allow the Caretta to reach the sea.
    Bird nests are available at our facilities.

    Seedlings were donated to the TEMA (Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion) foundation to contribute to the fight against erosion and

    LÖSEV (Foundation for Children with Leukemia) box has been provided and the accumulated money will be delivered to LÖSEV as Nirvana Hotels.
    We collect the blue caps accumulated in our hotels to donate to TOFD (Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey).

    A sustainable environmental survey is applied to evaluate our environmental practices from the guest perspective. The results are shared periodically
    by the department managers.
    Environmental audits are carried out regularly to reduce the negative effects of activities on the environment, to minimize pollution, to improve existing
    activities and to impose the necessary sanctions on the polluter.

    Based on the data of the Annual Environmental Monitoring Report, waste rates, blue flag analyses, internal audit results, satisfaction rates are
    monitored and compared.
    In addition to general environmental data, chemical, water, electricity, natural gas consumption per capita and chemical consumption according to
    departments are among the targets of the departments and are monitored regularly.
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