P. 1

In order for our body to repair itself, we must consume antioxidant-rich foods and water. Ionized
               water - With an ORP value of up to 300, it is the highest known antioxidant liquid, which reverses
               oxidation and prevents corrosion.ALKALINE IONIZED WATER

                                          ALKALINE IONIZED WATER

               In order for our body to repair itself, we must consume antioxidant-

              rich foods and water. Ionized water - With an ORP value of up to 300,
                it is the highest known antioxidant liquid, which reverses oxidation

                                            and prevents corrosion.

              Vücudumuzun kendini onarabilmesi için anti oksidan zengini besinler

               ve sular tüketmeliyiz. İyonize edilmiş su – 300’e varan ORP değeri ile

               oksidasyonu tersine çevirici, bir nevi paslanmayı engelleyici, bilinen
                                        en yüksek antioksidan sıvıdır.